Before using structures of the VeriBlock library, we should define some VeriBlock specific parameters. We have to add new Config class which inherits from the altintegration::AltChainParams. But first we will add functions that contain API for the library interactions.
1. Create two new source files: pop_common.hpp, pop_common.cpp.
POP configuration header: https://github.com/VeriBlock/vbk-ri-btc/blob/master/src/vbk/pop_common.hpp. Copy this file to your project.
POP configuration source: https://github.com/VeriBlock/vbk-ri-btc/blob/master/src/vbk/pop_common.cpp. Copy this file to your project.
2. Add bootstraps blocks.
- Note
- veriblock-pop-cpp library maintains all blocks of Bitcoin and VeriBlock starting at certain set of blocks - "bootstrap blocks".
Bootstrap blocks header: https://github.com/VeriBlock/vbk-ri-btc/blob/master/src/vbk/bootstraps.h. Copy this file to your project.
#include <vbk/bootstraps.h>
namespace VeriBlock {
const int testnetVBKstartHeight=860529;
const int testnetBTCstartHeight=1832624;
const std::vector<std::string> testnetBTCblocks = {};
const std::vector<std::string> testnetVBKblocks = {};
- Note
- Bootstrap blocks, both BTC and VBK, should contain as recent data as possible. APM will have to maintain connectivity of blocks. Therefore it will have to mine all missing blocks starting from bootstrap.
We will fill bootstraps.cpp at the end of the integration document.
3. Create AltChainParamsBTC class with VeriBlock configuration of the ALT blockchain.
POP configuration loader header: https://github.com/VeriBlock/vbk-ri-btc/blob/master/src/vbk/params.hpp. Copy this file to your project.
- Note
- Make sure to change
to uniquely identify ALT blockchain data.
struct AltChainParamsBTC
int64_t getIdentifier() const noexcept override
return <altchainId>;
- Note
is 8-byte ID, sent with every endorsement of ALT block in VBK. Used by VeriBlock to group potentially relevant endorsements. It is not critical if altchainId
is reused by multiple Altchains, but this is not preferable.
POP configuration loader source: https://github.com/VeriBlock/vbk-ri-btc/blob/master/src/vbk/params.cpp. Copy this file to your project.
- Note
- Modify checkBlockHeader to validate ALT block proof-of-work.
Util file with some useful functions for the VeriBlock integration: https://github.com/VeriBlock/vbk-ri-btc/blob/master/src/vbk/util.hpp. Copy this file to your project.
4. Update the initialization of the bitcoind, bitcoin-wallet, etc to setup VeriBlock config.
#include <functional>
+#include <vbk/params.hpp>
method AppInit
try {
+ if(gArgs.GetChainName() == CBaseChainParams::MAIN) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Mainnet is disabled. Use testnet.");
+ }
+ VeriBlock::selectPopConfig(gArgs, gArgs.GetChainName(), gArgs.GetChainName());
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
#include <stdio.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
+#include <vbk/params.hpp>
method AppInitRawTx
try {
+ VeriBlock::selectPopConfig(gArgs, gArgs.GetChainName(), gArgs.GetChainName());
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
+#include <vbk/params.hpp>
#include <univalue.h>
class NodeImpl
bool softSetBoolArg(const std::string& arg, bool value) override { return gArgs.SoftSetBoolArg(arg, value); }
- void selectParams(const std::string& network) override { SelectParams(network); }
+ void selectParams(const std::string& network) override { SelectParams(network); VeriBlock::selectPopConfig(gArgs);}
#include <wallet/wallettool.h>
+#include <vbk/params.hpp>
method WalletAppInit
+ VeriBlock::selectPopConfig(gArgs, gArgs.GetChainName(), gArgs.GetChainName());
#include <validationinterface.h>
+#include <vbk/params.hpp>
method BasicTestingSetup::BasicTestingSetup
+ VeriBlock::selectPopConfig("regtest", "regtest", true);
5. Update test chain setup to allow adding block to specific previous block.
#include <txmempool.h>
+#include <vbk/pop_service.hpp>
struct TestChain100Setup
CBlock CreateAndProcessBlock(const std::vector<CMutableTransaction>& txns,
- const CScript& scriptPubKey);
+ const CScript& scriptPubKey, bool* isBlockValid = nullptr);
+ CBlock CreateAndProcessBlock(const std::vector<CMutableTransaction>& txns, uint256 prevBlock,
+ const CScript& scriptPubKey, bool* isBlockValid = nullptr);
-CBlock TestChain100Setup::CreateAndProcessBlock(const std::vector<CMutableTransaction>& txns, const CScript& scriptPubKey)
+CBlock TestChain100Setup::CreateAndProcessBlock(const std::vector<CMutableTransaction>& txns, uint256 prevBlock,
+ const CScript& scriptPubKey, bool* isBlockValid) {
+ CBlockIndex* pPrev = nullptr;
+ {
+ LOCK(cs_main);
+ pPrev = LookupBlockIndex(prevBlock);
+ assert(pPrev && "CreateAndProcessBlock called with unknown prev block");
+ }
const CChainParams& chainparams = Params();
method TestChain100Setup::CreateAndProcessBlock
unsigned int extraNonce = 0;
- IncrementExtraNonce(&block, ::ChainActive().Tip(), extraNonce);
+ IncrementExtraNonce(&block, pPrev, extraNonce);
method TestChain100Setup::CreateAndProcessBlock
std::shared_ptr<const CBlock> shared_pblock = std::make_shared<const CBlock>(block);
- ProcessNewBlock(chainparams, shared_pblock, true, nullptr);
+ bool isValid = ProcessNewBlock(chainparams, shared_pblock, true, nullptr);
+ if(isBlockValid != nullptr) {
+ *isBlockValid = isValid;
+ }
+CBlock TestChain100Setup::CreateAndProcessBlock(const std::vector<CMutableTransaction>& txns, const CScript& scriptPubKey, bool* isBlockValid)
+ return CreateAndProcessBlock(txns, ChainActive().Tip()->GetBlockHash(), scriptPubKey, isBlockValid);
6. Update makefiles. Add new source files.
libbitcoin_common_a_SOURCES = \
+ vbk/pop_common.hpp \
+ vbk/pop_common.cpp \
+ vbk/params.cpp \
+ vbk/bootstraps.cpp \
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