C++11 Libraries for leveraging VeriBlock Proof-Of-Proof blockchain technology.
AltTree management


At this stage we should add functions for maintaining the VeriBlock AltTree: setState(), acceptBlock(), addAllBlockPayloads(). They provide API to change the state of the VeriBlock AltTree.

  • acceptBlock() - adds an ALT block into to the library.
  • addAllBlockPayloads() - adds popData for the current ALT block into the library and should be invoked before acceptBlock() call.
  • setState() - changes the state of the VeriBlock AltTree as if the provided ALT block was the current tip of the blockchain.

1. Implement AltTree related methods in the pop_service.hpp and pop_service.cpp source files.

#include <vbk/adaptors/payloads_provider.hpp>
#include <vbk/util.hpp>
+class BlockValidationState;
+class CBlock;
class CBlockTreeDB;
class CDBIterator;
class CDBWrapper;
+class CBlockIndex;
+class CChainParams;
+namespace Consensus {
+struct Params;
namespace VeriBlock {
+using BlockBytes = std::vector<uint8_t>;
+using PoPRewards = std::map<CScript, CAmount>;
void InitPopContext(CDBWrapper& db);
bool loadTrees(CDBWrapper& db);
+bool acceptBlock(const CBlockIndex& indexNew, BlockValidationState& state);
+bool addAllBlockPayloads(const CBlock& block, BlockValidationState& state);
+bool setState(const uint256& block, altintegration::ValidationState& state);
+std::vector<BlockBytes> getLastKnownVBKBlocks(size_t blocks);
+std::vector<BlockBytes> getLastKnownBTCBlocks(size_t blocks);
} // namespace VeriBlock
Class that is used for storing validation state.

+bool acceptBlock(const CBlockIndex& indexNew, BlockValidationState& state)
+ AssertLockHeld(cs_main);
+ auto containing = VeriBlock::blockToAltBlock(indexNew);
+ if (!GetPop().getAltBlockTree().acceptBlockHeader(containing, instate)) {
+ LogPrintf("ERROR: alt tree cannot accept block %s\n", instate.toString());
+ return state.Invalid(BlockValidationResult::BLOCK_CACHED_INVALID, instate.GetPath());
+ }
+ return true;
+bool addAllBlockPayloads(const CBlock& block, BlockValidationState& state) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main)
+ AssertLockHeld(cs_main);
+ auto bootstrapBlockHeight = GetPop().getConfig().getAltParams().getBootstrapBlock().height;
+ auto hash = block.GetHash();
+ auto* index = LookupBlockIndex(hash);
+ if (index->nHeight == bootstrapBlockHeight) {
+ // skip bootstrap block block
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!GetPop().check(block.popData, instate)) {
+ return error("[%s] block %s is not accepted because popData is invalid: %s", __func__, block.GetHash().ToString(),
+ instate.toString());
+ }
+ GetPop().getAltBlockTree().acceptBlock(block.GetHash().asVector(), block.popData);
+ return true;
+bool setState(const uint256& block, altintegration::ValidationState& state) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs_main)
+ AssertLockHeld(cs_main);
+ return GetPop().getAltBlockTree().setState(block.asVector(), state);
+std::vector<BlockBytes> getLastKnownVBKBlocks(size_t blocks)
+ LOCK(cs_main);
+ return altintegration::getLastKnownBlocks(GetPop().getVbkBlockTree(), blocks);
+std::vector<BlockBytes> getLastKnownBTCBlocks(size_t blocks)
+ LOCK(cs_main);
+ return altintegration::getLastKnownBlocks(GetPop().getBtcBlockTree(), blocks);
std::vector< std::vector< uint8_t > > getLastKnownBlocks(const BlockTree &tree, size_t size)
helper to get last N known block hashes
Definition: alt-util.hpp:59

2. Update block processing in the ConnectBlock(), DisconnectBlock(), UpdateTip(), LoadGenesisBlock(), AcceptBlockHeader(), AcceptBlock(), TestBlockValidity().

method CChainState::DisconnectBlock

+ auto prevHash = pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash();
+ VeriBlock::setState(prevHash, state);
// move best block pointer to prevout block
- view.SetBestBlock(pindex->pprev->GetBlockHash());
+ view.SetBestBlock(prevHash);

method CChainState::ConnectBlock

+ if (!VeriBlock::setState(pindex->GetBlockHash(), _state)) {
+ return state.Invalid(BlockValidationResult::BLOCK_CONSENSUS, "bad-block-pop", strprintf("Block %s is POP invalid: %s", pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString(), _state.toString()));
if (!control.Wait()) {
LogPrintf("ERROR: %s: CheckQueue failed\n", __func__);
return state.Invalid(BlockValidationResult::BLOCK_CONSENSUS, "block-validation-failed");

method UpdateTip

+ bool ret = VeriBlock::setState(pindexNew->GetBlockHash(), state);
+ assert(ret && "block has been checked previously and should be valid");
std::string warningMessages;

method UpdateTip

- LogPrintf("%s: new best=%s height=%d version=0x%08x log2_work=%.8g tx=%lu date='%s' progress=%f cache=%.1fMiB(%utxo)%s\n", __func__,
- pindexNew->GetBlockHash().ToString(), pindexNew->nHeight, pindexNew->nVersion,
- log(pindexNew->nChainWork.getdouble())/log(2.0), (unsigned long)pindexNew->nChainTx,
- FormatISO8601DateTime(pindexNew->GetBlockTime()),
- GuessVerificationProgress(chainParams.TxData(), pindexNew), ::ChainstateActive().CoinsTip().DynamicMemoryUsage() * (1.0 / (1<<20)), ::ChainstateActive().CoinsTip().GetCacheSize(),
- !warningMessages.empty() ? strprintf(" warning='%s'", warningMessages) : "");
+ auto& pop = VeriBlock::GetPop();
+ auto* vbktip = pop.getVbkBlockTree().getBestChain().tip();
+ auto* btctip = pop.getBtcBlockTree().getBestChain().tip();
+ LogPrintf("%s: new best=ALT:%d:%s %s %s version=0x%08x log2_work=%.8g tx=%lu date='%s' progress=%f cache=%.1fMiB(%utxo)%s\n", __func__,
+ pindexNew->nHeight,
+ pindexNew->GetBlockHash().GetHex(),
+ (vbktip ? vbktip->toShortPrettyString() : "VBK:nullptr"),
+ (btctip ? btctip->toShortPrettyString() : "BTC:nullptr"),
+ pindexNew->nVersion,
+ log(pindexNew->nChainWork.getdouble()) / log(2.0), (unsigned long)pindexNew->nChainTx,
+ FormatISO8601DateTime(pindexNew->GetBlockTime()),
+ GuessVerificationProgress(chainParams.TxData(), pindexNew), ::ChainstateActive().CoinsTip().DynamicMemoryUsage() * (1.0 / (1 << 20)), ::ChainstateActive().CoinsTip().GetCacheSize(),
+ !warningMessages.empty() ? strprintf(" warning='%s'", warningMessages) : "");

method BlockManager::AcceptBlockHeader

if (ppindex)
*ppindex = pindex;
+ if (!VeriBlock::acceptBlock(*pindex, state)) {
+ return error("%s: ALT tree could not accept block ALT:%d:%s, reason: %s", __func__, pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString(), state.ToString());
+ }
return true;

method CChainState::AcceptBlock

return error("%s: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state));
+ {
+ if (!VeriBlock::addAllBlockPayloads(block, state)) {
+ return state.Invalid(BlockValidationResult::BLOCK_CONSENSUS, "bad-block-pop-payloads",
+ strprintf("Can not add POP payloads to block height: %d , hash: %s: %s",
+ pindex->nHeight, block.GetHash().ToString(),
+ FormatStateMessage(state)));
+ }
+ }
// Header is valid/has work, merkle tree and segwit merkle tree are good...RELAY NOW

method TestBlockValidity

+ // VeriBlock: Block that have been passed to TestBlockValidity may not exist in alt tree, because technically it was not created ("mined").
+ // in this case, add it and then remove
+ auto& tree = VeriBlock::GetPop().getAltBlockTree();
+ auto _hash = block_hash.asVector();
+ bool shouldRemove = false;
+ if (!tree.getBlockIndex(_hash)) {
+ shouldRemove = true;
+ auto containing = VeriBlock::blockToAltBlock(indexDummy);
+ bool ret = tree.acceptBlockHeader(containing, _state);
+ assert(ret && "alt tree can not accept alt block");
+ tree.acceptBlock(_hash, block.popData);
+ }
+ auto _f = altintegration::Finalizer([shouldRemove, _hash, &tree]() {
+ if (shouldRemove) {
+ tree.removeSubtree(_hash);
+ }
+ });
if (!::ChainstateActive().ConnectBlock(block, state, &indexDummy, viewNew, chainparams, true))
return false;
Finalizer holds a function that is executed on Finalizer destruction.
Definition: finalizer.hpp:18

method BlockManager::LoadBlockIndex

- if (pindex->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TREE) && (pindexBestHeader == nullptr || CBlockIndexWorkComparator()(pindexBestHeader, pindex)))
- pindexBestHeader = pindex;
+ // do not set best chain here
// get best chain from ALT tree and update vBTC's best chain
// load blocks
if(!VeriBlock::loadTrees(blocktree)) {
return false;
+ // ALT tree tip should be set - this is our last best tip
+ auto* tip = VeriBlock::GetPop().altTree->getBestChain().tip();
+ assert(tip && "we could not load tip of alt block");
+ uint256 hash(tip->getHash());
+ CBlockIndex* index = LookupBlockIndex(hash);
+ assert(index);
+ if (index->IsValid(BLOCK_VALID_TREE)) {
+ pindexBestHeader = index;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }

method CChainState::LoadGenesisBlock

if (blockPos.IsNull())
return error("%s: writing genesis block to disk failed", __func__);
- CBlockIndex *pindex = m_blockman.AddToBlockIndex(block);
+ CBlockIndex* pindex = m_blockman.AddToBlockIndex(block);
+ BlockValidationState state;
+ if (!VeriBlock::acceptBlock(*pindex, state)) {
+ return false;
+ }
ReceivedBlockTransactions(block, pindex, blockPos, chainparams.GetConsensus());

3. Show Pop related info when node starts.

method AppInitMain

+ {
+ auto& pop = VeriBlock::GetPop();
+ auto* tip = ChainActive().Tip();
+ LOCK(cs_main);
+ bool ret = VeriBlock::setState(tip->GetBlockHash(), state);
+ auto* alttip = pop.getAltBlockTree().getBestChain().tip();
+ assert(ret && "bad state");
+ assert(tip->nHeight == alttip->getHeight());
+ LogPrintf("ALT tree best height = %d\n", pop.getAltBlockTree().getBestChain().tip()->getHeight());
+ LogPrintf("VBK tree best height = %d\n", pop.getVbkBlockTree().getBestChain().tip()->getHeight());
+ LogPrintf("BTC tree best height = %d\n", pop.getBtcBlockTree().getBestChain().tip()->getHeight());
+ }
return true;

4. Update Pop logging support.

Pop logger: Copy this file to your project.

Pop logger inherits from altintegration::Logger. It should write to ALT log in the overriden virtual method log().

Add additional flag for the logger.

namespace BCLog

QT = (1 << 19),
LEVELDB = (1 << 20),
+ POP = (1 << 21),
ALL = ~(uint32_t)0,

field LogCategories

{BCLog::LEVELDB, "leveldb"},
+ {BCLog::POP, "pop"},
{BCLog::ALL, "1"},

Attach veriblock-pop-cpp library to the native logger.

+#include <vbk/log.hpp>
#include <vbk/pop_service.hpp>

method InitLogging

LogInstance().m_log_threadnames = gArgs.GetBoolArg("-logthreadnames", DEFAULT_LOGTHREADNAMES);
+ LogInstance().EnableCategory(BCLog::POP);
+ std::string poplogverbosity = gArgs.GetArg("-poplogverbosity", "warn");
+ altintegration::SetLogger<VeriBlock::VBTCLogger>();
fLogIPs = gArgs.GetBoolArg("-logips", DEFAULT_LOGIPS);
LogLevel StringToLevel(const std::string &)
convert string to loglevel
Logger & GetLogger()
getter for global logger instance

Add poplogverbosity to the application arguments. It allows to choose the verbosity level for the library logger.

method SetupServerArgs

"-choosedatadir", "-lang=<lang>", "-min", "-resetguisettings", "-splash", "-uiplatform"};
+ // VBK
+ gArgs.AddArg("-poplogverbosity", "Verbosity for alt-cpp lib: debug/info/(warn)/error/off", ArgsManager::ALLOW_STRING, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS);
+ // VBK

5. Add unit tests to test the functionality we have added before.

VeriBlock precalculated data for the tests: Copy this file to your project.

Unit testing setup and helper methods: Copy this file to your project.

Update test setup to check if Pop AltTree was initialized properly.

method TestChain100Setup::TestChain100Setup

assert(ChainActive().Tip()->nHeight == 100);
assert(BlockIndex().size() == 101);
+ auto& tree = *VeriBlock::GetPop().altTree;
+ assert(tree.getBestChain().tip()->getHeight() == ChainActive().Tip()->nHeight);

6. Add test case which tests the VeriBlock Pop behaviour: e2e_poptx_tests.cpp.

E2E Pop basic functionality test: Copy this file to your project.

7. Update makefile to enable new unit test.

+### VeriBlock section start
+# path is relative to src
+ vbk/test/unit/e2e_poptx_tests.cpp
+### VeriBlock section end
# test_bitcoin binary #
+ $(VBK_TESTS) \
test/arith_uint256_tests.cpp \
test/scriptnum10.h \